2023 Planning Meeting Notes

Greetings all,

Below are the key points from our recent annual planning meeting. Follow up status is included where we have already progressed. FYI... in planning points note that we will be able to restart pool sessions in January!

Separately we will send out a note for possible river runs this fall (depends on weather, flows, and safety boat support)
Bob Tracy

TRR Planning Meeting 9/29

- meeting began promptly at 7pm

-the meeting started with introductions

-it was discussed what is TRR

-next was an outline of what this planning meeting was and what was needed from all present

-it was talked about how many multi-day trips compared to local single day outings

-feedback was shared from the events of 2022 to Deschutes, Payette clinic and Stanley

​The majority of ratings were 4’s and 5’s

- it was shared that for our chapter that it was felt too many events were on the calendar from the NW and W regionals

-drinking alcohol (the amount and whether beer or hard liquor) while participating in an event was discussed.

-it was brought up about the ability to add rafts, oar & paddle to events

-it was brought up about the accessibility of “beehive”. Making put-ins and take-outs more user friendly

-Bob asked the group if it wanted more multi-day vs single day events for 2023 or stay about the same. A vote with a show of hands showed everyone preferred to stay the same

-Dayne asked if TRR Boise could think about changing up the Deschutes event to the American River in CA. It was asked if that car trip was worth the time for a trip. It was explained that it was.

-it was discussed that “burn out” for the coordinator was a real thing. Ideas to no letting this happen…

​Allowing others to take on the roll of running the trips and clinics

-it was then asked of the group what they thought TRR Boise could do better?

​Before a run, to get things ready to go faster

​​The idea to delegate jobs (equipment assigned before on location, jobs to ready

​​IK’s before on location, assigning more experienced members to help a new

member with their gear)

weekly drills to “know what to do”

​​proposed SOP written up(Chris, Willard, Pat and Greg volunteered)

The meeting concluded at 9pm