17 Sep 22 Service Project and Paddle

Greetings all,

This Saturday, Sept 17th, the Bureau of Land Management is seeking volunteers for a work party at the Banks put-in to help make some improvements. We would like a strong TRR turnout there, and if flows and weather permit we will paddle a section of the Main Payette afterwards.

We will meet at the Beacon Light Chevron at 8am, then drive up to meet the work crew at Banks at 9am, help them until around noon, and then paddle. Flows are dropping so we may put in at mile marker 77 instead of Banks, and will need to determine if flows are high enough for a raft. Please sign up using the form below if you can attend.

Now for some background....
During our recent planning meeting, we discussed that the ramp at Beehive Bend is a major challenge for us. Andrea Cooper made some contacts and ultimately we connected with the BLM. They do several improvement projects each year in the area, and they are scheduling a meeting to address the Beehive Bend ramp in Fall 2023. Their area manager said it would be very helpful to our interest in this project if we can participate in the work party and discuss our concerns and interests on the 17th with BLM officials who will be there.