2023 Pool Sessions Update

Greetings all,

We have pool sessions starting in January at the Crunch Fitness State Street Location. We will begin with small group sessions and attendance is limited to 6 people per session. This gives folks a calmer experience and limits how much gear we need to haul back and forth. (Some volunteers will bring boats and Crunch will let us store a few there).

Please sign up using the attached form by first identifying all the sessions you would like to attend and then identifying your top 2 sessions. We will advise you which ones you're selected for so we can spread them out to everyone.

By March, we will likely offer a couple of larger sessions which could include kayak football. The earlier small sessions are to work on paddling skills and rolls.

Note: When you attend, you will also have full access to the Crunch State Street Gym for that month!

See you soon in the water!

TRR Boise Staff

2023 Pool Sessions

Greetings TRR friends,

Our outdoor season has come to a close. We hope you enjoyed it, and look forward to having you join us next year.

We have arranged with Crunch Fitness in Boise on State Street for pool sessions this winter starting in January.

They will allow us to have larger group sessions as in the past, or we can have (more) small group sessions. And for the smaller sessions they will be allowing us to store a few boats inside there which will greatly reduce the hassle of getting boats back and forth there in the winter.

Please fill out the form below to help guide us in setting up these sessions.

Bob and the TRR Boise staff

Whitewater Paddle 1 Oct 2023

Greetings all,
This Saturday, October 1st if flows and weather permit, and if we have sufficient interest and support, we will paddle a section of the Main Payette.
We will meet at the Beacon Light Chevron at 11am. Flows are dropping so we may put in at mile marker 77 instead of Banks, and will need to determine if flows are high enough for a raft. Please sign up using the form below if you can attend.
By Thursday we will advise those who have signed up if we will be able to do this event, and if so will ask for folks to help with running the event and getting and returning gear and boats at the Star Ranch.