Greetings TRR members and supporters,

We are blessed to have a great group of veterans and volunteers who collectively do a lot for the success of our chapter.

Christina Fletcher and Kevin Fowler have really gone above and beyond in their own ways.  I am proud to announce that they  both have been honored by Senator Crapo with the 2020 Spirit of Freedom Award!!!! 

They are joined by 20 other honorees across the state. (see full press release from Senator Crapo below)

This is quite an honor and they have both earned this recognition for their dedicated and tireless support for TRR, our veterans, and our community partners.  This is also a reflection of the great work all of us are doing within TRR which has created awareness of what we do to help our veterans and in turn generated the support from the Senator to select them.
Please join me in congratulating Christina and Kevin!

Bob Tracy